65 Reflections – From A Painter’s Studio Journals
65 Reflection is a collection of written entries selected from my personal studio journals of 2002 through 2015. The entries are personal musings and poems. They also include quotes and poems from other artists who journeyed with me.
The geography of being an artist in the twenty-first century is diverse terrain in solitary beckoning into unknown places, and this book contains some of my reflective markers for my journey.
Out of Print.
Excerpts From The Arctic
Thirty years ago I had the privilege of entering the portal of life on the Bering seacoast of Alaska. That continuum is edged on my soul. I lived with seasonal ice flows, the dazzling darkness of arctic nights, and a vast silence. I watched, listened, photographed and wandered. The vast space of Tundra horizons and gentle laughter of Yupik people burned themselves into my psyche.
This book is my offering and wit(h)ness to the mystery and fragility of the Arctic which is dying.
I know of no other way to face death and destruction than to stand in wit(h)ness.
Limited edition run of 25 copies. Not currently available.